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Continuing Education Requirements

This information is intended to provide answers to commonly asked questions by real estate agents. It is not intended to replace detailed information found in your state's statutes and regulations. Though we have made reasonable efforts to ensure that the information given is reliable and current, we cannot guarantee that it is. For more information please contact your state real estate department. See contact information below.

Prelicensing Requirements

Effective December 21, 2022: In order to qualify for licensure as a real estate salesperson, an applicant must have satisfactorily completed 77 hours of education approved by the Secretary of State and have passed a qualifying examination administered by the Department. Those salesperson applicants who completed the 75-hour salesperson course after December 21, 2022 may complete a 2-hour continuing education course to satisfy the 77-hour requirement in real estate approved by the Secretary of State, and have passed a qualifying examination administered by the Department.

In order to qualify for licensure as a real estate broker, an applicant must have at least two years of experience as a licensed real estate salesperson or at least three years of experience in the general real estate field (e.g., buying and selling your own property, managing property owned by your employer). A broker applicant will be required to show proof of completing 120 hours of education approved by the Secretary of State, and have passed a qualifying examination administered by the Department. Broker applicants will be required to show proof of completing the 45 hour salesperson course, the 30 hour remedial course and the 45 hour broker course OR the 75 salesperson course and the 45 hour broker course.

Final Exam Procedure:
NY RE License Law §176.23 - New York real estate department requires the final exam be proctored at an approved location in the state of New York.
Upon completion of the Principles of Real Estate - New York Salesperson Pre-licensing online course, you will be directed through your online course to complete your final exam using an online proctor through PSI. There is a $25 fee to use the online proctoring service. Call for more information and to schedule an exam. You also have the option of using a disinterested 3rd party as your exam monitor. This person cannot be a relative and it cannot be your future broker. If you would like to use your own monitor, you will need to send their information to info@capeschool.com so we can approve them and send them the credentials required to access your exam. 


Continuing Education Requirements

All licensees are required to successfully complete 22.5 hours of approved continuing education, including at least 3 hours of instruction pertaining to fair housing and/or discrimination in the sale or rental of real property or an interest of real property, within the two-year period immediately preceding a renewal.

Licensees are currently required to take 1 hour of Agency continuing education during each 2 year licensing period,  except for new licensees who will be required to take 2 hours in their first licensing period.  The Agency hours will be part of the required 22.5 hours, not additional hours.  This applies to all renewals after January 1, 2017.

Any salesperson who successfully completes an approved broker qualifying course (which requires passing the final exam), within their current term, will receive continuing education credit for completion of that course. Please note: The broker course does not satisfy the mandatory 3 hour fair housing requirement.

Below are exempt from the continuing education requirements:

  • an attorney admitted to the New York State Bar who holds a real estate broker's license.

Changes Effective September 21, 2022: All licensees will be required to successfully complete 22.5 hours of approved continuing education. As of September 21, 2022 the education must include at least 2 hours on the subject of Implicit Bias Awareness, at least 2 hours of Cultural Competency, at least 3 hours of instruction pertaining to fair housing and/or discrimination in the sale or rental of real property or an interest in real property, 2.5 hours in Ethical Business Practices, 1 hour of Legal Matters, and at least 1 hour pertaining to the law of agency except in the case of the initial 2-year licensing term for real estate salespersons, (2 hours of agency related instruction must be completed within the two-year period immediately preceding the first renewal). 

This amendment also REMOVES the 15 year real estate broker continuing education exemption and now requires all brokers who are currently exempted to complete continuing education starting July 1, 2021. 


Course Repetition

No continuing education course will be considered for continuing education credit more than once within the two year cycle of renewal.

Carryover Credits

Excess credits hours may not be carried over to the next reporting period.


DOS Contact Information

NYS Department of State
Division of Licensing Services
P.O. Box 22001
Albany, NY 12201-2001
(518) 474-4429 (customer service hours 9:00am - 4:45pm)


Applicants Frequently Asked Questions:

Contact Information:
New York Department of State
Division of Licensing Services

Alfred E. Smith Office Building
80 S. Swan Street, 10th floor
Albany, NY 12210
Phone: (518) 474-4429

Website: https://www.dos.ny.gov/licensing/index.html
Email: licensing@dos.ny.gov



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77 credit NY Salesperson Course

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    • More choices: classroom, written and online self-study
    • Print your own certificate of course completion (when allowed by your state agency)
    • Unlimited number of exam retakes (when allowed by state agencies)
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    Have Questions? Call us at # 800-831-9135 or reach us by email at info@capeschool.com.