Cape School Lowest Price Guarantee - Real Estate
Find a Lower Price and We'll Match ItIf you find an advertised competitor's price lower than the total price paid to Cape School after discounts & promos, we will match it. The total price paid to Cape School will be the price used when comparing our price to a competitor's price, because we have to take into account for discounts & promos that we currently offer towards our already low advertised prices. Price match requests must be submitted within 2 weeks from date of purchase. Products must be the same to qualify for price match. Product for productWhen submitting a price match request, the competitor's advertised product must match an equivalent Cape School product. That means a competitor coupon for a webinar class must be applied to a Cape School webinar class. A competitor coupon for a webinar class cannot be applied to a Cape School classroom course or online course. Products must be equal in delivery method, credits, and content for the Cape School Low Price Guarantee to apply. How do I request a price match?Submit a copy of a competitor's product price. Once we validate the request, we will issue a refund for the price difference. Allow up to 6 weeks for the price difference to be sent once it is validated.
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Phone: 800-729-7363
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