NMLS Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs)
Prelicensure Education (PE)
Requirements by State

National PE Hours State PE Hours Total PE Hours
Alabama 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Alaska 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Arizona 16 4 20 VIEW COURSES
Arkansas 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
California - DFPI 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
California - DRE 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Colorado 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Connecticut 21 1 21 VIEW COURSES
Delaware 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
District of Columbia 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
Florida 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Georgia 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Guam 20 - 20
Hawaii 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
Idaho 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Illinois 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Indiana - DFI 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Indiana - SOS 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Iowa 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Kansas 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Kentucky 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Louisiana 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Maine 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Maryland 16 5 21 VIEW COURSES
Massachusetts 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
Michigan 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Minnesota 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Mississippi 16 4 20 VIEW COURSES
Missouri 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Montana 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Nebraska 20 2 22 VIEW COURSES
Nevada 26* 4 30 VIEW COURSES
New Hampshire 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
New Jersey 16 4 20 VIEW COURSES
New Mexico 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
New York 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
North Carolina 20 4 24 VIEW COURSES
North Dakota 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Ohio 20 4 24 VIEW COURSES
Oklahoma 20 1 21 VIEW COURSES
Oregon 16 4 20 VIEW COURSES
Pennsylvania 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
Puerto Rico 20 - 20
Rhode Island 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
South Carolina - BCI 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
South Carolina - DCA 17 3 20 VIEW COURSES
South Dakota 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Tennessee 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Texas - SML 20 3 23 VIEW COURSES
Texas - OCCC 20 3 23 VIEW COURSES
Utah - DFI 20 0 20 VIEW COURSES
Utah - DRE 20 15 35 VIEW COURSES
Vermont 18 2 20 VIEW COURSES
Virgin Islands 20 - 20
Virginia 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Washington 18 4 22 VIEW COURSES
West Virginia 20 4 24 VIEW COURSES
Wisconsin 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES
Wyoming 20 - 20 VIEW COURSES

NMLS Provider ID #1400105

How many credits do I need for my state?

All states require at least 20 hours of approved pre-license education, but each state has its own requirements. Some states require additional state-specific hours that are included in the 20 hours, and some the state-specific hours are in addition.

The minimum pre-license education requirements for new mortgage loan originators is outlined in the SAFE Act according to the following categories:

  • 3 hours of Federal law and regulations
  • 3 hours of ethics & fraud
  • 2 hours of lending standards related to non-traditional mortgage products
  • 12 hours of undefined instruction on mortgage origination
  • Each state has their own requirements for meeting these 12 hours
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"I really appreciate all the time & effort provided by the course instructor. My office staff & I will watch for future opportunities to attend Cape School Insurance Classes."

Joseph L, Iowa

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"I've never done my CE online before and found it very convenient. I was able to study on my own time (which as a working mother with kids in sports is not a lot). "

Laura S, Wisconsin